Can comfort be the key to
safer operators?

When working with lower water pressures, not everyone realizes the need to use protection. Some even know the risk and simply discard using PPE as it has historically been both bulky and awkward to wear. However, doing a job without proper protection can lead to disastrous consequences. So, how do we get operators to wear appropriate PPE?  The simple answer is comfort and compliance. But achieving that while keeping a high protection level is easier said than done.

Low water pressure cleaning is performed every day all over the world in countless industries. In marinas hulls of ships are being cleared of sludge, in city centers walls are being cleared of graffiti and out on oil platforms in the middle of nowhere grease and grime are being diminished by hard-working waterjet operators. Creating PPE that performs well in such diverse environments is not an easy task, but it is a challenge we at TST Sweden have gladly taken on.

At TST Sweden we continuously aim to improve and innovate our products. In 2022, we gave our PPE range for water jetting up to 3000 bar / 43,500 psi a revolutionary upgrade, making it far more compliant and mobile than any other PPE at that level of protection. In the fall of 2024, it is time for ProOperator, our range for high-pressure cleaning up to 500 bar / 7 500 psi made for the professional operator, to get an upgrade.

A waterjet operator in action, dressed in the new updated ProOperator jacket and trousers.

– If one were to compare this upgrade to the one we did on our EliteOperator range this is more of a finetune. We were very happy with our prior ProOperator range but at the same time, we knew we could make it even better, says Eva Nyberg, Design Technician at TST Sweden.

Updating or finetuning a range isn’t something one just does on a whim and creating great PPE takes a village – which meant that almost everyone at TST had a role in this update.

– Our sales team is constantly talking to the industry and gathering important insights while our research and development team is always looking for new innovative ways to enhance our garments. Then, our design team gathers all this information and gets to the drawing board to see what improvements we can make. After eyeing each seam and considering each fabric and design choice we try and test, and then try and test some more until we are completely satisfied, says Peder Lindström, Market and Sales Director at TST Sweden.

The smallest details can make the biggest difference, like strategically placed ventilation.

The close collaboration with end-users is a big part of our success at TST Sweden and can be seen all over our garments. Reinforcement on the knees and pockets for knee pads is a direct request from operators and one of many details that differentiate good and excellent PPE.

The updated ProOperator range features even more small changes that can make a big difference for operators, like a larger detachable hood that’s better fitted with TST Head Protection as well as added ventilation in seams and pre-bent knees and sleeves for even higher mobility and comfort.

– Going forward we are excited for end-users to try our updated ProOperator range. When working with PPE for lower water pressures comfort and compliance are important factors since they are often compared with clothing without any actual protection except for rain. Hopefully, this next level of comfort and compliance will have them wearing our PPE every work shift. Keeping them safe and sound all year round, finishes Peder Lindström.

Comfortable and safe operators are happy operators.

TST Sweden article published in WJTA Jet News, reprinted with permission.